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have you ever seen a handwritten code font that isn’t comic mono? neither have i!

enkyline is a new handwritten monospace font made by enky. it’s free and it’s OFL!

code sample

import random

def gentimes(num: int,
             max: int):
    global exercises
    exercises = []
    for i in range(num):
        ex = f"{random.randint(2, max)} * {random.randint(2, max)} = __"
        while exercises.__contains__(ex):
            ex = f"{random.randint(2, max)} * {random.randint(2, max)} = __"
    return exercises

character coverage

so far, enkyline only supports a very small subset of unicode, however that subset will grow as time passes.

basic latin95/95
the entirety of wgl-4planned
symbols for ipaplanned
non-letter symbols from jis x 208, 212, 213planned
ucsur sitelen ponaplanned